Weight Management

The Horse Trust and the University of Liverpool have provided some excellent guidance on equine weight management. Full article below. 

Every horse is different, and every livery yard and every owner differ too. Because of this, there’s no magic weight management strategy that will work for everyone –you need a tailor-made a solution that works for you and your horse. You’re the expert on your horse, your yard and your life, so you’re the best person to create a weight management strategy which suits you, and this guide will help you to do so.

Click the link for the full article → When the grass is greener: The Equine Weight Management

Equine Weight Management

Full credit for this article to The horse Trust and the University of Liverpool, publisher of this work. Special thanks to Authors: Tamzin Furtado, Elizabeth Perkins, Cathy McGowan, Francine Watkins, Gina Pinchbeck, Rob Christley, University of Liverpool (2018). With thanks and gratitude to: All the study participants who have taken part in the “horse health and wellbeing” study, Danica Pollard and Alexa Marks for assistance developing this guide, as well as the multiple reviewers who gave their advice, Donators of photographs for this guide, The Horse Trust for funding this project